INSPIRE is intended to inform, share resources, provide awareness and guide for adult film performers, especially those who are new or considering starting work and are asking the question, “How do I get into porn?”

This guide is by no means a rigid set of rules or regulations, but a collection of tried and true methods which successful performers have already put to use.


Things to Consider Beforehand

Becoming an adult performer has very real, long-lasting consequences. It is a choice that should be well thought out.

The Booking Process

What to expect (and what to look out for) when being booked for work.

On-Set Expectations

What to know before your first (or five hundredth!) day of work.


Build and Protect Your Brand

As a performer, you are your brand. Protecting your brand is worth the time, money, and effort.

Making and Managing Money

What you need to know about managing finances, including tips from veteran performers.

Hire an Agent or Go Independent?

What to consider when deciding whether to hire a talent agent, manager, or other support staff.