It’s easy to spy on the kind of porn being watched. But that’s starting to change. (Washington Post)


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Porn sites are some of the most visited places on the Internet, but many of them lack a basic security feature long used to keep everything from your online banking to your email safe from prying eyes.


If a porn site has HTTPS automatically enabled across all its pages, then someone watching your connection will know which site you're on but won’t be able to spy on your searches or see which videos you view.

“Depending on what you’re watching, it could really wreak havoc on your life” if exposed, according to FSC communications director Mike Stabile.

The first step in the partnership will be webinars and outreach events with FSC members, according to CDT chief technologist Joseph Lorenzo Hall. The group also will work with sites to help them figure out how to deploy the technology. 


Increased encryption will help keep porn browsing private (Engadget)


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