FSC Applauds Calif.'s Push to Preserve Net Neutrality (XBIZ)


Read the full article by Rhett Pardon on xbiz.com

SACRAMENTO — Some states are pursuing their own net neutrality laws. California became the latest to sail a piece of legislation that would prevent ISPs from charging websites for speedy access.

The Golden State now joins New York, Washington, Montana and New Mexico, which seek their own protections so that providers can’t throttle connections. Meanwhile dozens of attorneys generals have filed a petition in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, attempting to freeze the FCC’s Open Internet Order, which put a halt to net neutrality regulations.

Eric Paul Leue, the Free Speech Coalition’s executive director, told XBIZ that it’s critical that stakeholders in adult entertainment closely watch how things play out, calling the “battle for the net as one of the most important free speech fights of the 21st century."


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