Boobs, Trees & Lingerie: Rejecting Porn-Sourced Charitable Contributions (YNOT)


Read the full article by Frederick Reese at

Are charities open to accepting money from “controversial” businesses such as the adult industry?

“Adult industry charitable donations are still taboo in some fundraising circles and not so much in others and it, whether an organization will accept it or not, is based on several factors,” Christine Disbrow, a nonprofit development consultant, told YNOT.

“Nonprofit organizations, in general, try to shy away from controversy. A nonprofit’s decision to accept or reject a donation can be based on the organization’s mission — what they’re trying to do, to save the world — the makeup of the board of directors and how their donors will perceive it,” Disbrow explained.

Disbrow argues that porn’s “image” may prejudice charities from taking such donations, particularly considering possible political complications.

For many of the larger charities, accepting a donation from porn may equate to accepting one donation now while possibly losing a hundred donations later. However, for those making the donation, this equates to having your good intentions spat at for nothing more than public perception. 

Frederick Reese is an upstate New York social justice and progressive politics writer. He is also know for data-based reporting and writing about fringe and emerging technologies.


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