Pornhub 2018 Year In Review Report Will Satisfy Your Data Fetish (Forbes)


Read the full article by Curtis Silver at 

Pornhub Insights has delivered its 6th annual year in review, revealing everything that we were searching for on the site, in colorful infographics and charts, ready for our caffeine-fueled consumption. Because if you aren't loaded on something before you cannonball into the pool of porn statistics, then you just aren't running a peak Tuesday. And every year, that pool just keeps getting deeper and deeper. This year, there were 4.79 million new videos uploaded to Pornhub from amateurs, models and content partners, feeding into 30.3 billion searches — 962 a minute.

With all the data that Pornhub has presented this year, its tough to just pick one set of statistics and just run with that. There is one chart, near the top of the report that does well to illustrate how our behavior within the confines of the porn world reflect what is happening in the world around us. That chart lists the searches that really defined the sensibilities and realities that shape our worldview. Things like '4K', 'Stormy Daniels', 'Trans', 'Bowsette' and 'Tattoos' show up here, a clear correlation between the plight of seeking out and discovering new information presented in our social feeds, and our porn habits.

While I've just scraped the pudding skin off the top, you can check out the full Pornhub 2018 year in review report here (SFW).


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