Want to Party AND Get Healthy? Try Trenton Ducati's Porn Disco (AVN)


Read the full article by Mark Kernes at AVN.com 

It all happens March 1-3, and the Desert AIDS Project and Free Speech Coalition will be holding an event there.

CATHEDRAL CITY, Calif.—Actor/director Trenton Ducati has what gay-centric journal The Advocate is calling "a brilliant idea": Throw a party at the Cathedral City Boys Club (CCBC) Resort Hotel near Palm Springs over three days in early March and pack that weekend with at least four parties, live "erotic" shows, strippers, go-go dancers and more!

And so Porn Disco was born.

Free Speech Coalition and the Desert AIDS Project will be right there on the scene, and they've got a big announcement scheduled for Saturday afternoon, March 2—and yes, there'll be food and drinks there as well.

"We're looking at doing a big announcement over the weekend of the 1st through the 3rd in Palm Springs," said Eric Paul Leue, executive director of Free Speech Coalition. "Trenton and various studios are organizing this thing called Porn Disco and so we figured there's a large group of performers who will be in town. So since the program is focused around Palm Springs right now because it's a pilot program, a first step in hopefully building a national network of these kind of services for performers and sex workers, we figured that this would be an ideal place to launch it and have a broader conversation around it and educate performers about the services that will be available to them."

And what services might those be?

"When we talk about HIV and sexual health in general, we talk about populations that could most benefit from services and support and access to services, so one of those populations is sex worker populations because they have a lot of sex," Leue explained. "That's mostly where Desert AIDS Project (DAP) comes in, as an organization that provides those services to those populations. So when we started talking to Desert AIDS, they started talking about PrEP, PEP, HIV treatment, and Trenton brought in, 'What about mental health? What about housing assistance? What if they need to see a primary care physician because they have some other ailment that needs to be dealt with?' So the project really grew around that and I think what's really positive about it is that it's the first time that we're in such an official capacity able to partner with a non-profit organization that works in this space to provide community-aware services." 


Rhode Island Lawmaker Pitches Study of Decriminalizing Sex Work (AVN)


Is Porn Becoming a Monopoly? (Medium)