AZ Legislature Officially Declares Porn a Very Bad Thing (YNOT)


Read the full article by Ben Suroeste at

PHOENIX – In its ongoing quest to topple Florida from the top of the Most Embarrassing State Legislature rankings, on Monday the Arizona Senate approved House Concurrent Resolution 2009, “denouncing pornography as a public health crisis.”

Like similar bills passed in other states where legislators clearly have way too much free time on their hands, the text of the resolution is a series of statements which start with “whereas” and end with the sort of dense, bullshit-laden prose for which elected officials everywhere are famous.

According to what the Arizona legislature cut and paste from a copy of a resolution passed in Utah several years ago, porn “is a crisis leading to a broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts” and “perpetuates a sexually toxic environment that damages all areas of our society” and “features way too much of tattooed porn stars spitting all over each other these days, which totally deflates our collective boner.”

Evidently, porn is also “directly harming our nation’s youth by contributing to the hyper-sexualization of teens and even children” and “has an adverse effect on the family as it is correlated with decreased desire in young men to marry, dissatisfaction in marriage and infidelity” and “isn’t high-quality enough on my favorite free sites anymore because the best stuff keeps being taken down by some company called ‘Takedown Piracy.’”

Ben Suroeste has been a fly on the adult industry wall for close to 20 years. 


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