Adult Entertainers Are Now Eligible for Overtime Pay (Fortune)


Read the full article by Chris Morris at 

When California governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 5, the state's rewritten employment law, much of the focus was on Uber and Lyft drivers. But the law reached well beyond the tentpoles of the gig economy. Under the law, performers in the adult entertainment industry are entitled to the same benefits as those drivers, specifically being recognized as employees of the companies they work for. That gives them the right to overtime pay, minimum wage protection and workers' compensation protections.

Health care? That's a little trickier, since few porn stars work 40 hour weeks.

"The criteria are pretty clear and ... as of right now, it does seem that works in adult entertainment would be covered by the new law," says Rebecca Givan, an associate professor of labor studies and employment relations at Rutgers University.


What Porn Stars Really Think of the Fans Who Tweet at Them All Day (Mel Magazine)


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