Thailand Arrest Spotlights Serious Issues With Shooting Self-Produced Content Abroad (XBIZ)


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BANGKOK, Thailand — The recent arrest and public shaming of an American man and his Hungarian partner in Thailand for "overstaying in the country, publishing pornography and working without a permit" sheds a spotlight on a little-talked-about issue among self-producers: the dangers of shooting pornography while traveling as a tourist.

Last Tuesday, Roderick Antonio Matthews Jr., a 31-year-old American, and Kata Barbara Koszo, his 22-year-old Hungarian girlfriend, were arrested in their hotel room in Krabi, southern Thailand.

"According to reports, the hotel staff informed police after they became suspicious of the couple," the International Business Times (IBT) reported on Friday. "The responding officers raided the hotel room and found cameras and lighting equipment," which they confiscated.


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