Why the Porn Industry Has a Lot to Teach us About Safety in the Covid-19 Era (STAT News)


Stat News, the medical extension of Boston Globe investigates the adult industry's PASS system and its potential for laying the foundation for how Covid-19 testing & reporting will work for the general population. “We’re already used to working in an environment of risk. That’s something the rest of the normal world is just learning to do,” Lotus Lain, Industry Relations Advocate for FSC.


LOS ANGELES — As states and employers furiously develop plans to safely reopen workplaces in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, they’re grappling with what seems like an endless list of questions: where to test, who to test, and how often to test for the virus? Further complicating matters are issues of workers’ privacy, geography, politics, science, and cost. It’s a difficult mandate. But there is one place to look for guidance — the adult film industry. Read the full article by Usha McFarland at StatNews.com


The Adult Industry Can Survive Without Government Help. Here’s Why. (Washington Post)


Update 6/17/20: FSC Emergency Fund Disbursements