The Post-Pandemic Future of Porn (Jezebel)


Various performers and directors give their insights on how they think the porn industry's working landscape has been or will be permanently affected by the covid-19 pandemic and voluntary production hold.


A porn shoot used to mean a day on a professional set with a crew and cast. The makeup artists, lighting technicians, camera people, and co-stars that once buzzed around a set have disappeared. Now, performers are filming in their own bedrooms, by themselves or with a significant other, while a director joins remotely via Zoom. It’s an attempt to adapt studio shoots amid an indefinite hold on traditional on-set productions in response to the covid-19 pandemic. At the same time, performers have increasingly turned to camming, clips sites, and subscription platforms like OnlyFans to produce their own content, which can range from stripteases to winking moments of domesticity. Read the full article by Tracy Clark-Flory at


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