FSC Statement on Ron Jeremy Charges


Free Speech Coalition (FSC) stands with the women who have recently filed charges of rape and sexual assault against veteran adult film actor Ron Jeremy.

We learned of the charges yesterday, but this is certainly not the first time such allegations have been made against Jeremy, nor is it the first time we’ve spoken out against him. In 2017, we heard women come forward with stories, some recent, some decades old, that ranged from groping to rape. At the time, he admitted to groping, and dismissed the allegations as ‘buyer’s remorse.’

As an industry, it’s essential that we stand with those who speak out against harassment, assault, and rape of sex workers, as well as stand up to those in our industry who perpetuate such crimes. After the allegations came to light in 2017, we rescinded an award given to him in 2009, and supported calls for him to be barred from industry events. The fight against harassment and assault isn’t limited to the adult industry, but the nature of our work means that we must be especially vigilant, and always ensure we not only listen, but take action when people speak out. FSC has assembled a task force to address issues related to harassment, consent violations and assault in the adult workplace. We can and should be a leader in consent. With the anger, passion, and commitment shown by those in our industry who have spoken out, I am encouraged we will be.

Michelle L. LeBlanc
Executive Director, Free Speech Coalition


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