CAM4 and Soldiers of Pole Launch SEXORCISM: An Exclusive Pole Dance Series Benefitting V Union (CAM4)

LOS ANGELES — CAM4 has partnered with Soldiers of Pole, a sex work labor advocacy group, on "Sexorcism," a livestreamed pole dance show premiering tonight at 6 p.m. (PST) with proceeds to benefit VUnion, a labor union established "solely in support of sex workers."

"Tonight’s show will be an exciting and engaging pole dance extravaganza, offering audiences the chance to interact and engage directly with some of the country’s most beloved strippers," a rep explained."

The show will also feature a lively, nonpartisan discussion about the role politics plays in the lives of sex workers," continued the rep, "from the necessity of labor unions in this space to highlighting the need for more resources and support for Black trans sex workers — undeniably the most vulnerable community in this industry and the country." 

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