FSC To Host Members-Only Briefing on Congressional Lobbying Work


On June 9, Free Speech Coalition will host a private, members-only briefing on our meetings with House and Senate offices in Washington DC in May. Since December, FSC has met with nearly two dozen legislative offices on the issue of financial discrimination, nearly all of whom were supportive of legislative and regulatory efforts to help end financial discrimination and provide more stable banking for business and workers in the adult industry.

“We believe there is a viable path to ending the banking instability and discriminatory treatment experienced by our industry,” says Alison Boden, Executive Director of Free Speech Coalition. “Given the sensitive nature of the discussions, we’ve limited what we’ve disclosed publicly. This briefing will allow us to be more explicit about what we’re working on, and what FSC members can expect in the months to come.”

FSC Executive Director Alison Boden will host the briefing featuring Director of Public Affairs Mike Stabile and FSC banking lobbyist Pierre Whatley. The bulk of the conversation will be devoted to questions from members. 


Legislative Update: 6/5/23


Free Speech Coalition Asks Court to Block Utah Age-Verification Law