The Definitive Guide to the Digital Economy Act and the UK Porn Ban (Cyber Ghost VPN)


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In just a few short weeks, a new law will come into force across the United Kingdom. The Digital Economy Act 2017 will effectively result in the UK porn ban.

Why is the UK Banning Porn?

The porn block is an attempt to stop under 18s from gaining access to adult material online.

A 2015 poll motivated the legislation, after discovering some startling statistics relating to children aged 11-16 viewing pornography online.

Most notably, the survey found that 10% of 12 to 13-year-olds in the UK fear they are addicted to pornography.

One in five of the 700 young people surveyed also said they had seen pornographic images that had shocked or upset them.

The research was commissioned by the NSPCC, a national charity dedicated to the care of children.

The Problem

When a respected national charity publishes the results of an investigation that it has conducted, it’s usually accompanied by a full report of the study.

But this was not the case here.

The 2015 study had been conducted by ‘creative market research’ group OnePoll. A firm which pays people to participate in questionnaires online.

OnePoll is better known for speedy, fun polls with questions about celebrities and your daily life. 

In order to take part in a OnePoll survey, you have to be signed up as a panelist on their website. You also have log on to check for new polls, as it doesn’t send out invitations. Unlike many other survey sites.

And perhaps most importantly of all, OnePoll’s terms and conditions of use state that you must be at least 16 years old to become a member.

What this means is that the children who engaged in the survey were at best doing so under parental instruction and supervision (which would obviously affect their answers), or at worst were adults masquerading as youngsters in order to get paid.


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